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APM in the news

Residents readied to relocate into new Prince Edward Home
Oct 21 2013

APM's Construction Management team is set to unveil the new Prince Edward Home to the public at the open house on Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bernie Wilson took time to grow into the Prince Edward Home in Charlottetown when he moved into the provincial manor nine years ago, leaving behind his apartment at the Kay Reynolds Centre.

New Red Cross headquarters done by spring: official
Sep 25 2013

APM's Design team donated their services to create an artist's conception of the new provincial headquarters of the Canadian Red Cross slated to be built on Paramount Drive near the Charlottetown Airport. Construction is expected to begin later this year with completion by spring.

What's in a name? Companies gain exposure through facility naming rights
Sep 21 2013

Stewart, Dave. What's in a name? Companies gain exposure through facility naming rights, The Guardian 21 September 2013

Zellers for Sale
Jan 13 2011
Tourism awards
Sep 24 2009
Donation to IWK
Jun 1 2007
Finding a home
May 26 2004
Career Move
May 22 2004
The Guardian
Oct 25 2003
A&W coming back
Oct 27 2001
Ecolodge scrapped
Dec 22 1999
Kmart Development
Aug 27 1999
APM Mechanical
Jan 13 1999