April 2000
By Kent Walker
Building A Success Story
What makes Tim Banks’ APM Group
successful? Three things - work, work, and work .
Perhaps his last name should be used more as a verb, as in
“Tim Banks more money for APM with his latest project.”
Banks, the president of APM, is fast becoming one of the
Island’s best-known entrepreneurs, if only because his
company keeps signing up big projects for Prince Edward
Yet despite all his recent news making with projects such as
the recently opened Real Atlantic Superstore in
Charlottetown, Banks says his company only does about three
per cent of its business on the Island. After all, it’s hard
to feed a $70 million business with projects based on Prince
Edward Island. One of the keys to Banks’ success is his
ability to diversify. APM is actually made up of a wide
range of companies, almost all related to retail business
For example, a retail store needs signage, so Banks
amalgamated two sign businesses in Halifax into United Sign,
which allows APM to do “everything you can do in the sign
business.” Building retail stores takes building supplies,
so APM now has Southport Building Supplies in its nest,
which Banks promises will soon feature a new concept for the
home hardware industry.
Once you start up a retail business, you need to furnish it;
so also in APM’s group of companies is House of Excellence,
which deals in paint, wallpaper, carpet, flooring and window
fashions. Then there are store fixtures needed, project
management, designs, engineering, leasing, real estate
contracts, property development and various other things
required to keep APM growing and be what might be called a
“one stop shop” fro anyone looking to build a retail
Speaking at a business breakfast recently, Banks said he
started APM in 1980 and it now employees about 250 people
and has revenues, as mentioned earlier, of $70 million. So
how did Banks get from his start-up to where he is now? “We
work really hard as a company to make sure we compete in the
marketplace,” he says.
Another key it to remember that his competitors are people,
too, in a small community, so Banks treats them more as
associates than competitors. “Even though they’re our
competition, they’re also our neighbours,” he says. “They’re
Islanders who may go and spend in our stores. We’ve done 50
to 100 projects with other competitors in the last 10 years.
It’s really nice to be able to do that, because we end up
employing people here on P.E.I.”
That’s one theme you’ll hear repeatedly from Banks if you
listen to him long enough - he likes creating jobs and
helping Islanders. He tells the story of an engineer who was
educated on P.E.I., then got his engineering degree and his
MBA, but he couldn’t get a hob on the Island. The engineer
had to go to Quebec to get work, but Banks said he was
pleased to be able to bring that engineer home to work on
P.E.I. “We’re really pleased to be able to bring Islanders
home to help us get off the ground,” he says.
While everyone locally becomes aware of APM when a big
project like the Real Atlantic Superstore breaks ground,
most people aren’t aware of one the biggest events happening
to the company. APM struck a deal with the Plaza Group, a
property management company in Halifax, that will see the
companies basically merge together, allowing the size and
expertise of the two groups to attract more projects.
“I’m a bit nervous about going through with the business,”
Banks says. “You’re under more scrutiny when you’re a public
company.” However, he says, that’s the way business works
today, and if you don’t keep up, you’ll soon be left far
behind. “It’s a bunch of guys pooling their resources and
going forward,” he says. “You have to do that in the
marketplace today. The days of standing on your own and
hoping to attract national companies - they’re just not
going to happen.”
While few Island businesses can match APM’s revenues, many
companies can apply some of Banks’ successful philosophies
about running a business. For example, Banks doesn’t lose
site of where he is - even with all his company’s projects,
he still feels like he’s a small fish in a big pond, but
that doesn’t mean he can’t be a successful fish that can
still get his message out to the big fish.
“You can be really big by being little,” he says. “We’re a
small account for Loblaw’s - about three per cent of their
capital expenditures. But when I go to a meeting with those
people, I bring Island lobster and mussels, I promote not
only our quality products here but the people who do it -
our staff and customers that helped us get here.”
Banks also believes in staying focused and never forgetting
where you came from. “I insist at all times on supporting
the youth in our community,” he says. “They allow us to rise
above and be the best at what we do.” To that end, Banks
makes it a point every year to hire at least a couple of
young engineers, just to reward them for pursuing their
dreams. He tells the story of one of his young employees
who, after seeing what it’s like to work at APM, is leaving
to go get his engineering degree. “We’ve excited him enough
so that’s what he’s going to do.”
One of the things that makes Banks successful is he has the
ability to see the big picture while still remaining
completely focused on a current project. “Everyone who works
with us knows we’re achieving change together,” he says. “We
recognize the world changes, our clients and suppliers
change. There’s no point in burning bridges. “I’ve done
enough of that in the past. I try to develop a team with a
positive attitude. We spend a lot of time in team building.”
Banks has adopted the philosophy of hiring good people, then
getting out of their way so they can do what they’re
supposed to do. “We have a good young team of entrepreneurs
that work with us. I try to give the division managers free
Like most people who really enjoy their work, Banks spends a
lot of time just looking for projects, thinking of more ways
to create business. When asked what he spends his time at
during a typical day, Banks said he spent a lot of time just
driving around, looking at sites and finding opportunities.
“I find a deal, put it in (his vice-president’s) lap, and
they go to it.”
Banks also spends a good deal of his time on the phone,
working or exploring deals, and although most people here
may think of Banks just as an Island-based entrepreneur,
actually much of his time is spent in Halifax, again working
Never one to demur when asked his opinion on most any topic,
Banks says it wouldn’t take much to improve business in
downtown Charlottetown. First of all, he says, it’s not the
province’s responsibility - it’s the community’s. “ It’s up
to the city, in conjunction with the province, to build an
infrastructure into the community.” Part of that would be to
widen University Avenue to improve traffic flow, Banks says,
but an even more effective way to get people downtown - and
inexpensive - is to improve signage.
“You go Bathurst, N.B., and you can find a City Centre
sign,” he says. “But in Charlottetown, one of the most
historic areas in Canada - and you can’t find a sign to
downtown. These are not big expenditures. But you have to
invite people to the community. We have to all work
together.” “There’s nothing wrong with investing in
downtown, but you have to be focused to do it.”
And that sums up Banks in one word - focused. $ |

3 Lower Malpeque Road
Charlottetown, PEI
C1A 1R4
Tel: 902.569.4000
Fax: 902.569.1149
